Hanna Engel
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Hanna Engel

Quantum computing – the next best thing?

The one who rules the quantum computer rules the world.

We have all heard and maybe already worked with AI but what about Quantum computing? Is this the next “best thing”?

Quantum world can be intimidating, so let me take you on a journey where we will try to find a sweet spot between explaining quantum by mathematical equations that leave you more confused than smarter and the superficial statements that “quantum computers are just faster computers”.

We will start by introducing basic concepts from the quantum realm like entanglement or superposition, then we will focus on main differences between a quantum and a digital computer. We will answer the question “what are quantum computers good for?” and “when can I buy my own quantum computer?”.

We will look at the market predictions and the impact of quantum on the cyber security and the current encryption protocols.

Quantum physics – Intro
Quantum computer – not just a faster computer!
Adios, encryption!
When can I buy my own quantum computer?



Indiana Jones of the cloud technologies. Hanna takes her customer on an amazing journey across the world of Azure and they live their best life riding on the back of the best practices, deciphering networking, fighting wild acronyms and discovering the wonders of Azure administration!

Azure Infra& AI specialist, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Quantum computing – evangelist, member of Belgian Quantum Circle – a community built around realizing the quantum potential and igniting the market adoption.

Frequent podcast guest and conference speaker Hanna’s main focus is providing actionable content and an engaging experience to her audience.

Currently Hanna works for Azelis as Azure Architect where she manages Cloud migrations and AI projects. She also freelances as Azure trainer. Before that, she worked for Microsoft as Technical Trainer providing live trainings for European and South American customers in Azure Infra and AI.

Hanna is based in Brussels, Belgium. Personally, fan of Dungeons&Dragons, couchsurfing and foreign languages.